About Me

Hello and welcome to my blog!

My name is Témi, I’m a writer living and working in NYC. This blog will be a mish-mash of reviews, op-ed pieces, and tidbits about my life.

Rihanna. RuPaul’s Drag Race. 1990’s Versace. These are all things that have influenced me greatly. But one stands above all: Sex & The City. The show had a big part in my eventual move to NYC and however out of touch the series could be at times (no writer could really afford Carrie’s apartment), the show made me feel like I could do anything.

As for this blog, expect tales of my daily life and job search, fashion and makeup tips/ideas, and a couple of articles about pop culture and politics and feminism and film and whatever else I want to talk about. I welcome anyone who joins me on this ride.

